Ministerial Roundtable Forum to commemorate 44th ATU/ ICT day

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07 December
11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Ministerial Roundtable Forum to commemorate 44th ATU/ ICT day

Recurring Event (See all)



Greetings from ATU!

We are pleased to invite you to the Ministerial Roundtable forum to commemorate the 2021 African Telecoms/ICT Day. The event with the theme, “Digital Skills Development for Africa’s Digital Transformation,” is scheduled to take place online on 7th December 2021 from 11:00 AM- 12.30 PM EAT.


To participate at the forum, kindly use this link to


Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to enable you to join the meeting.


Looking forward to your participation.


L’UAT Secrétariat.

Programme - ATU Day 2021


Invitation to the Ministerial Forum to commemorate the African Telecoms/ICT Day on 7th December 2021

Invitation à la table ronde ministérielle à l’occasion de la Journée africaine des télécommunications et des TIC prévue le 7 décembre 2021

EN_Draft Concept Note & Program for a Ministerial Forum to Commemorative ATU Day - 7 Dec 2021

FR_Draft Concept Note & Program for a Ministerial Forum to Commemorative ATU Day - 7 Dec 2021

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